Investment Commentary

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Q4 2020 Investment Commentary

Investment Commentary Report (January 4, 2021) It would be hard to imagine a stranger year in the U.S. investment markets than the one just passed, or a year that did a better job of defying logic. After the dramatic market collapse that began on February 20, and saw a 13% drop in the month of March, the U.S. investment world recovered nicely and sailed through a steep recession, record unemployment…

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November 2020 Investment Commentary

The Markets (as of market close November 30, 2020) Despite a downturn on the last day of the month, stocks rebounded impressively in November from a moribund performance in October. Several of the benchmark indexes reached record highs during November as investors shifted slightly from tech stocks to shares influenced by economic cycles. While the presidential election, COVID-19, and additional fiscal stimulus dominated the news throughout the month, stocks seemed…

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October 2020 Investment Commentary

The Markets (as of market close October 30, 2020) Stocks fell for the second consecutive month in October as rising COVID-19 cases and related deaths shunted signs of an economic rebound. The month began on an upswing with both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 posting their best weekly gains since July, and the Dow finally pushed ahead of its 2019 year-end value. Unfortunately, reported virus cases began to soar by…

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Q3 2020 Investment Commentary

Investment Market Report (October 5, 2020) The investment results in September were certainly nothing to brag about, but overall the markets have done something interesting: large cap indices are up while small and midcap stocks have posted modest losses. Given the persistent decline in the U.S. economy and the uncertainties around the resurgent pandemic, the investment situation could have been a lot worse. Is it possible that in the midst…

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August 2020 Investment Commentary

The Markets (as of market close August 31, 2020) The positive run for stocks continued in August as the major market indexes regularly reached all-time highs. While investors remained bullish toward equities, it wasn’t always clear why. Although the economy is gradually picking up steam, it has a ways to go to reach its pre-pandemic level. Gross domestic product for the second quarter showed that the economy receded at an…

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July 2020 Investment Commentary

The Markets (as of market close July 31, 2020) Stocks posted gains in July in spite of gloomy news on the economic and pandemic fronts. Investors continued to trust equities despite the gross domestic product falling nearly 33.0% in the second quarter, mixed quarterly corporate earnings results, emerging pandemic hot spots, growing unemployment claims, and ongoing turmoil between the United States and China. On the positive side, 4.8 million new…

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Q2 2020 Investment Commentary

Investment Market Report ( July 2, 2020) This year, investors have been treated to a rare real-world lesson in the mathematics of investing—namely, the fact that after a market decline, it takes a greater market recovery to get back to even. The first quarter saw a frightening downturn that delivered 20% losses across the U.S. and developed foreign markets. Then we experienced a breathtaking 20% gain in the second quarter,…

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